There are 3 accommodaton options at our place. The second floor caters for 6 and is referred to as "Teak house". There are 2 rooms downstairs that cater for 6 (roomy room 6) and 4 (roomy room 4)
Ada tiga pilihan akomodasi di tempat kami. Di lantai dua ada cukup untuk 6 orang dinamai "Teak house". Ada 2 kamar lantai satu. "Roomy room 6" cukup untuk 6 orang, dan "Roomy room 4" cukup untuk 4 orang.
Designed in an open plan antique/rustic style with teak panels. Two bedrooms, large open area, a kitchenette and bathroom. Being the second story and open plan, it is very airy and is up away from the mosquitoes. The bedrooms also have excellent ventilation and ceiling fans. The large main bedroom is 4.5m x 7 m with a king sized bed. The second bedroom is 2.2m x 6 m and has a bunk and a single bed. There is a single bed in the large open area. There is a bathroom with a hot shower and Western style toilet. The main bedroom has a kitchenette with a stove and bar fridge. It has wifi. There is a gamelan set. The dwelling has a combined area of 12m x 12m. Several mosques are quite near so the call to prayer is quite noticeable.
Teak house punya desain terbuka, rustik dengan dinding gebyog jati. Ada dua kamar tidur, ruang tamu besar luas dan terbuka, dapur kecil dan kamar mandi/kamat kecil. Karena lantai 2 desain terbuka sehingga sejuk. Kamar tidur utama 4.5m x 7m dan ada tempat tidur "king size". Kamar tidur kedua 2.2m x 6m punya satu tempat tidur tingkat, dan satu "single bed". Juga ada single bed di ruang terbuka. Di kamar utama ada dapur kecil dangan kompor dan lemari es. Ada wifi. Ada gamelan. Teak house luasnya 12m x 12m.
Komentar dari tamu Clara dari Jakarta, Dec. 2023
"Awalnya sempat khawatir, takut panas, takut byk nyamuk dan anak2 ga bakal betah. Ternyata walaupun tdk ada AC hanya kipas besar diatas ditiap kamar, tiap saya tidur sih nyenyak dan ga keringetan, dan walaupun terbuka tapi tidak ada nyamuk sama sekali pdhl banyak tanaman, hanya serangga2 kecil,tokek,dll. Overall saya dan keluarga menikmati menginap di Teak House. Wifi kencang dan Water Heater oke,jg kopi, teh, mie instan jg air minum pasti tersedia. Fast respon krn yg menjaga Bu Indri beserta suami tinggal dekat skali dgn kita."
A large bedroom (6m x 4.4m) with a double bed a bunk bed and a large veranda.
Kamar besar (6m x 4.4m) dengan satu tempat tidur tingkat, satu tempat tidur double. Juga ada teras besar.
A large bedroom (7.2m x 4.4m) with a bunk, king and double bed. Roomy room 6 has a large veranda.
Kamar besar (7.2m x 4.4m) dengan satu tempat tidur tingkat, satu tempat tidur king size dan satu tempat tidur double. Juga ada teras besar.
Rumah Gede is Teak house, Roomy room 4 and Roomy room 6 all combined, when you need a lot of beds. As is it can cater for 16 guests. Extra matresses may be added for a nominal extra cost if necessary.
Rumah Gede adalah kombinasi Teak house, Roomy room 4 dan Roomy room 6 kalau perlu banyak tempat. Cukup untuk 16 tamu dan bisa tambah kasur kalau perlu.
All rooms have ceiling fans. Roomy room 4 & Roomy room 6 have air conditioning. There is a kitchen with a stove and fridge, bathroom with hot shower in Teak house, and shared bathroom with hot shower and kitchen with a stove and fridge for Roomy room 4 and 6. There is a washing machine for guests to use. Tea, coffee (expresso mocha pot and also instant coffee), drinking water and instant noodles are provided. There is wifi. There are also bicycles for use of the guests. There is no car park on site, but there is roadside parking on the bitumen road. The call to prayer from the local mosques is quite noticeable at those times of the day.
Semua kamar ada kipas angin langit-langit. Ada AC di Roomy room 4 & Roomy room 6. Ada dapur dengan compor dan lemari es, kamar mandi dengan air panas di lantai 1 dan lantai 2. Untuk Roomy room 4 & 6, kamar mandi dan dapur dipakai bersama. Ada mesin cuci. Teh, kopi (expresso mocha pot dan nescafe), air minum dan Indo mie disediakan. Ada wifi. Ada berberapa sepeda untuk tamu. Tidak ada tempat pakir di depan rumah, tapi bisa pakir di pingir jalan. Kampungnya aman dan tidak ramai.
Located in the quiet suburb of Depokan, Kota Gede, 5 km. east of the city centre. It is an easy 20 min ride to the centre of town. Located on a laneway 30m from a bitumen road.
Address: Depokan Kota Gede 2/174, Yogyakarta, 55172
Google maps: Teak House, homestay, Prenggan
Terletak di kampung Depokan, Kota Gede yang aman dan tidak ramai, 5 kilometer dari pusat kota. Makan waktu 20 min ke pusat kota. Terletak di gang, 30 meter dari jalan aspal.
Alamat: Depokan Kota Gede 2/174, Yogyakarta, 55172
Google maps: Teak House, homestay, Prenggan
SMS or Whatsapp Nita Australia: 0421912012
Indri Indonesia: +62 85878340138
Best to book directly with us in Australia, and then contact Indri for more information if required.
Bank: Bank First
BSB: 704191
Account number: 153493
Account name: A J Hall, E W Rahayu
Nama Kantor 3008 BRI unit Gd. Kuning
No Rekening: 3008-01-037263-53-9
Nama: Indri Setyowati
Teak house
AUD $45.00 or Rp.450,000 per night + $10.00 or Rp.100,000 cleaning
Roomy room 4
AUD $30.00 or Rp.300,000 per night + $7.00 or Rp.70,000 cleaning
Roomy room 6
AUD $40.00 or Rp.400,000 per night + $8.00 or Rp.80,000 cleaning
Rumah gede, combination of all 3 areas
AUD $100.00 or Rp.1,000,000 per night + $18.00 or Rp.180,000 cleaning
10% discount on daily rate if a week or more
Please note cleaning fee is only paid once
Teak house
AUD $60.00 or Rp.600,000 per night + $10.00 or Rp.100.00 cleaning
Roomy room 4
AUD $40.00 or Rp.400,000 per night + $7.00 or Rp.70,000 cleaning
Roomy room 6
AUD $55.00 or Rp.550,000 per night + $8.00 Rp.80,00 cleaning
Rumah gede, combination of all 3 areas
AUD $130.00 or Rp.1,300,000 per night + $18.00 or Rp.180,000 cleaning